Sample Resume

Sample Resume

Monday, 28 May 2012

How to Write Effective Objective Statement for Resume?

Writing an objective statement for a resume is like writing a tag line in the advertising sector for a product you want to sell. It is as simple as that. The difference between the objective statement for resume and a tag line is that a product talks about what it is capable of whereas a prospective candidate should tell how he or she can be of use to the employer. The purpose of doing this is to get selected for the job.
The following tips will help you write an effective objective statement for resumes.
Job Description
  • Read the job description well that is issued in the advertisement for any job. It will not only tell you the employer's requirements, but also give you an idea as to what you need to prepare in case you are selected for the interview
Offer and Return Offer
  • The job description is actually an offer made by the recruiter for their company. Now when you write the resume objective, it is your turn to tell them what you have got to offer them.
Summary of Analysis
  • The resume objective statement is a small summary of your ambitions and analysis. In the sense that you should not come across as a self obsessed mule and neither as a desperate job seeking candidate.
Language and Candidature
  • Use action oriented language and lay emphasis on your achievements as well as your strengths, in case you are an experienced professional. Use words like managed project, lead a team of, guided the management, trouble shoot emergency situations with available resources, etc.
  • If you are a freshman, try to write about your extra curricular activities and hobbies if they are related to the job profile. Highlight your internship and the work you were assigned there.
Factors to Refer from Sample Objective Statements
You will find many samples of resume objective statements online, but there are some things you need to note. For example, the job profile and the candidate's experience, the strengths they have (compare against yourself), the company's profile, the scope for growth, your own ambition, etc. All these things lead towards writing an effective objective statement for fresher resumes.
Do not copy someone's statement without analyzing the mentioned things. Try to be original and genuine when writing the job application letter, that very much includes the resume.

1 comment:

  1. In career objective we must mention for what position we are applying in which industry!I is simple and it catches the recruiter eye's!!
    Sample jobs
